
Some of these are grouped in categories. But most of the terms and explanations are listed in alphabetical order.
The question that comes up in academic and church circles is, is there a Hell? The bad news is, yes; there is a Hell and there will be a Judgment! But, with the bad news, there is good news, too. The good news is that those in Christ will be saved from it!
God is not some kind of killjoywho has a perverse since of humor, desiring to see us suffer. He does not just come up with a list of rules and regulations that we could not possibly follow just to amuse Himself.
God created Satan as the head of the Angels. He was at one time the most powerful, intelligent and beauti­ful angel in heaven. Known as Lucifer...
Communion means we are to Celebrate the Lord's Supper/Communion. This was instituted by Jesus on the night before His Crucifixion. He told the Disciples that the cup of wine...
The key words of chosen, elect, foreknew, and predestined have been topics of hot debate amongst many Christian groups over the centuries. The principle theme is agreed upon, that God does choose us and makes us holy-to which our eternal destination is preordained.
Jesus Christ is Lord and God!

It is our duty as Christians to recognize the role of the Holy Spirit to find out our gifts that all have been given.Then we must be discipled in those gifts and use our gifts to glorify His Kingdom. In doing this, we become obedient and we receive and we rely and trust in his role. (Acts 19:1-2, Romans 12:1-2, Galatians 5:13-26, Revelations 3:20, Ephesians 3:17, and Luke 11:13).
To truly understand God, we must move our self-will out of the way, because it is in His way! We need to know our place in the universe and our role in society, in church as well as our responsibility to them. By knowing these names of God, we will be better able to grow in faith and maturity.
When someone speaks your name, you will normally quickly come to attention thinking, "who said that, what do they want?" We do this because our name is the most personal thing we have; it is our identity, who we are to ourselves and others. So what about God?
Into Thy Word ÃÆ'Ã'¯Ã'Ã'¿Ã'Ã'½ 1978-2016