God desire is for us to draw near to Him. He paves the way for our sanctification, but it is up to us to make that journey.
Fasting is important, but Jesus sternly warns of abusing it by using it for a show and tell game to draw attention to oneself, thus missing the real purpose, that of drawing close to God...
This model of prayer (as all models must be) places the emphasis on God and His glory, not on us!
Jesus often taught His disciples about the importance of perseverance, faith, and humility in prayer...
Fullness for a Christian is first seeking Christ and His work in you, so you are pursuing righteousness and all that is good, as...
God's most abundant mercy, love, and grace, given to us, without merit, before the foundations of matter and time.
We are chosen and given our new birth! We live in hope! As Christians, we have God's abundant mercy, hope, and assurance so we can praise God for His grace and salvation!
What would a glimpse of heaven do to and for you?
So, what can I do? Give Him the gifts, all of them, repentance, faith, mind, heart, witness, all from your real authentic Christianity...
Real authentic Christianity is formed in the crucible of our Spiritual Formation. It is our response to who and what Christ has done.