
"Prayer can do anything that God can do, as God can do anything, prayer is omnipotent." R.A. Torrey, "The Power of Prayer"
Have you ever thought through why you do not spend more time with God? What aspects of your time and commitment hold you back from prayer? Most of us do not have the kind of prayer life we should have; in my experience, most people give up because either they do not know how to pray or they do not understand the significance of prayer.
It is about integrating our prayer and Scripture life for greater spiritual stimulation that leads to greater understanding of our Lord and then greater application of His precepts. As we read God's Word we can and should be praying to our Lord, too. This combines two essential aspects of our Christian walk, Bible reading and prayer, used together for our personal impact of faith and synergy to impact our faith and church.
You can also Worship God through Prayer!

Here is an teaching outline you can use for your lessons or personal learning on how you can be inspired to worship God through prayer.
Impacting Worship Part V

You can also start to educate your church about true worship by simply being in prayer, then sing some hymns or praise songs without compliment of instruments or just with a guitar or piano. After the first song, stop for a...
Impacting Worship Part IV

The key to worship is not how or where we do it, as long as we come as humble, contrite people poured out before His Majesty. Impacting worship is our aptitude and attitude from what He gives that seeks His glory as the reason for our worship.
Impacting Worship Part III

The key to this is not to be rushed or coerced. It is not reciting empty platitudes, nor is it manipulating or a chore. What I mean by impacting is not style; it is our involvement in and with The Substance behind it.
Impacting Worship Part II

We are called to be a living sacrifice, which means we are to be living in Christ, growing, and performing as agents of His. In worship, we are being impacted by what Christ has done for us and then letting Him know about it.
Are you being impacted by Christ or just your ideas of praise and worship? Is God impacting you and you are letting Him know so, so He can continue to impact you and others around you.
Real heartfelt Devotion is being devoted to Christ because He is our all in all. It is aligning our personal desires, our plans, our worship, and our hope with God and His principles. It is an attitude more than an act, a pursuit to be offered to God to give Him glory through our...
VERY! Reverence is an aspect of adoration, it is the true response that leads to worship to all that come before God. It is recognizing and honoring the authority of God with awe and fear because He is God...
Into Thy Word ÃÆ'Ã'¯Ã'Ã'¿Ã'Ã'½ 1978-2016