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Fruit of the Spirit Part III

Do you know what it means to be led by the Spirit?

We are called to walk in the Spirit. This is not a Charismatic or a Pentecostal endeavor, nor is it some mystic exercise or short-cut to our receiving a "blessing." This is the doorway to spiritual maturity, being spiritually minded and...
Leadership has been the big "buzz-word" for the church in America during the last dozen or so years, but exactly what is meant by real leadership?

Asking questions are the tools to take God's Word and examine it. After this, we learn and grow.
Perhaps, one way to see our prayer life is as a relationship. A relationship is a living, growing entity that needs the fuel of attention and heart. We need to allow prayer to build slowly-like a relationship. Growing our prayer life is like growing a relationship. We start off as acquaintances; then, as we get to know each other, we become more...
Here is a tool to help the People in your church find out what there Spiritual Gifts are. This is an "inventory" format; it is not as accurate as our other assessment, but this makes a good tool to start out with.

Is the power and love of God enduring in you? Is your Christian life having results to it? The word "therefore" is referring to the results, conclusions, or applications that are to be in our lives from the reasons given.
Fruit of the Spirit Part II

The Fruit of the Spirit is the continual and indispensable application of God's work in us that spurs our growing, effectual, spiritual development. This, in turn, assembles the elements we need to further build and live out our faith so we can effectively and graciously relate to others around us.
This is a basic step by step biblical process to solve conflict personally or in a church. The essential key to solving disagreements is this; ask, "How can I honor, glorify and please Christ as Lord in this situation?"
Be aware of the CONTEXT!

The Bible cannot mean something else from what it does say. The Bible cannot mean what it never meant!
Prayer is not just about what our own needs are. It is about putting our lives and experiences in Him, sharing our days and lives, both in times of urgency and times of happiness, and bringing others to our thoughts and into our prayers. Continual and effective prayer will build our relationship with God. We will realize that...
Into Thy Word ÃÆ'Ã'¯Ã'Ã'¿Ã'Ã'½ 1978-2016