Are you a committed Christian or a surrendered Christian?
The picture of life is the church as we relate to the world, living and working in the power of the Spirit by what Christ has done.
Christ is the Teacher, but He is not only a Teacher! If we see Him only as a teacher, we will become flustered by being totally unable to do as He instructs.
Sin and the wrath of God are to be taken seriously, especially by those who reject Him.
God is involved, that He does indeed care, and that He is concerned and does intervene in history, thus we can trust Him.
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Please note that we do not necessarily agree with all of the content of each of the above Web Sites.
Please note that we do not necessarily agree with all of the content of each of the above Web Sites.
Please note that we do not necessarily agree with all of the content of each of the above Web Sites.
Please note that we do not necessarily agree with all of the content of each of the above Web Sites.