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More Tips and Tools for Better Scriptural Memory
Be persistent, and set goals in your endeavors to memorize God's Word. Once you have a good plan and discipline, stick to it, and do not give up. At the same time, be realistic and do not set goals that you cannot accomplish.
Be persistent, and set goals in your endeavors to memorize God's Word. Once you have a good plan and discipline, stick to it, and do not give up. At the same time, be realistic and do not set goals that you cannot accomplish.
Our ability to be good and holy is only because of the "effect" of redemption (what Christ did for me on the cross, which we did not deserve) not the "cause," (the cause is how we are, receiving grace and forgiveness) never confuse the two or you will have pride and arrogance because you will think you deserved it.
Our identification as a "corporate" church is not a building; rather, it is a relationship of community, where we are His priests!
We are called to know Christ better and to practice moral excellence.
Is submitting to what God requires of us.
The Basic Plan for Bible Memorization
The "nitty-gritty" for ease in memorizing is to simply select a short passage-a verse or two. Pray, read it, and then read the chapter in an easy-to-understand translation to see it in context. Then...
The "nitty-gritty" for ease in memorizing is to simply select a short passage-a verse or two. Pray, read it, and then read the chapter in an easy-to-understand translation to see it in context. Then...
Real repentance will entail full, genuine confession, restitution, and the will to turn to Christ, not just as Savior, but also as Lord. This is not just a one-time deed, but also a lifestyle that places Christ first and foremost in our daily lives.
Peter takes the argument of what our Lord has done for us to show how we are to be as a corporate collaboration of people in Him.
The authentic knowledge of Christ that is revealed to us is the foundation of our faith.
Keeps our minds and focus on sound judgment.