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Learning is to learn and grow from the experience the Lord gives us so we are an example for His work!
Romans 3:21-26
Jesus' life story was predicted and described centuries before His birth. No other person has influenced the history of the world as much as Jesus.

Jesus lived in history!
Jesus had unusual power!
Jesus was more than an ordinary man!
Jesus changed the lives of others and He can change yours too!
Real heartfelt Devotion is being devoted to Christ because He is our all in all. It is aligning our personal desires, our plans, our worship, and our hope with God and His principles. It is an attitude more than an act, a pursuit to be offered to God to give Him glory through our...
Here is a tool to help the People in your church find out what there Spiritual Gifts are. This is an "inventory" format; it is not as accurate as our other assessment, but this makes a good tool to start out with.

Means knowing who we are in Christ.
Paul was an extreme example of multiplying networks and energizing and influencing people for the Lord.
Romans 2:1-16
What are the answers to 10 tough questions I deal with in life? What are the ultimate issues we all struggle with?
What are the serious issues related to God, you, and the meaning of life?
These are all answered from the Bible!
What does the Bible say about the existence of God and is Jesus really God?
What does the Bible say about life after death?
What does the Bible say about there being only one way to get to heaven?
What does the Bible say about Jesus rising from the dead?
What does the Bible say about what happens to those who die without ever believing in Christ?
What does the Bible say about how Christians can believe in a loving God with SO much suffering in the world?
What does the Bible say about other religions?
How can the miracles in the Bible be true?
What does the Bible say about the spirit world?
What does the Bible say about New Age beliefs?
VERY! Reverence is an aspect of adoration, it is the true response that leads to worship to all that come before God. It is recognizing and honoring the authority of God with awe and fear because He is God...
Into Thy Word ÃÆ'Ã'¯Ã'Ã'¿Ã'Ã'½ 1978-2016