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Learning is to learn and grow from the experience the Lord gives us so we are an example for His work!
We must realize that our Lord can and will bring goodness and glory to any situation that He is glorified.
Remember, as a Christian you are a child of God; your prayers are always heard! There is no prayer that is too small, too big, or too hard. But also remember, when we are not living our lives for Him, our prayers will be hindered. What about putting more bounce in our prayer step?
Suffering is an essential aspect of our Christian growth, whether it is mental, physical, financial, or spiritual. It is the main connection that enables the batteries to power us to be the best Christian possible. It is the link between the Holy Spirit and God's perfect plan working in us. Without this vital connection, the power source of our Lord will not be able to prime us for His service. We may have the ability and the power of the Spirit, but the vital link between them is missing. A spark of truth and service may pass between them, so we think we...
Will recognize the value of other people.
To enter the Kingdom of Heaven requires the kind of trust and faith in Christ that a child has that they will be cared for. It also means to be dependent on God and not on self. Children cannot achieve or pay for their own way just as we cannot do so for our place in heaven.
Paul was an extreme example of multiplying networks and energizing and influencing people for the Lord.
This is a simple easy to learn and teach curriculum on how we can study and know God's Word. It is designed and has been used for High School and Adult groups very successfully! It requires little effort on the leader's part, other than to read through it, and have a love and desire to get into God's Word yourself. Because if you do not have a love and passion to be intimate with God, then how will you be able to communicate it to those God has entrusted to you for discipleship?
We are Called to Prevailing Prayer. Does this seem unfathomable and unrealistic to you? Consider that our Prevailing Prayer unlocks the warehouse of God's endless love, forgiveness, grace, and power.
God is our refuge and strength! As a pastor I hear this lament all of the time, sometimes it even comes from my own lips, "Why doesn't God help me in my troubles?" This is a legitimate question to ask. A lot of Christians tend to be afraid of asking God why, or earnestly seek to resolve their crisis. Thinking I do not have enough faith or I would not go through this. Or I do not want others to know, for they would think bad of me or that I caused it. Or we use the crisis to grab the attention ourselves. If we are going through tough times, we need to know why, and what we should do when we are in them. If not we...
Into Thy Word ÃÆ'Ã'¯Ã'Ã'¿Ã'Ã'½ 1978-2016